YaK's Links'n'Downloads

Most of the links are hideouly outdated and I really should get Flossie to do something about it, but the actual downloads should be OK.

Llinks to some cool places...

Emulator Sites

 If you're beginning or expanding an emulator collection, a wander around the following sites should yield plenty of goodies.

Generally happy places to be

 Interesting places to go when you are in the mood to surf.

Downloads - gimme, gimme, gimme!

Downloads from YaK  [PVB says: "You can get these games from my page here instead]

As advertised, here are my Commodore 16 games, thanks to Llando!

 Now available as freeware - Revenge of the Mutant Camels (484K) and Llamatron (272K) for PC If you want to play the original version and you have an ST, or want to run it on an emulator - here is the original, ST version of Llamatron.

 It's not really practical for us to go on supporting these games actively any more - my mum finds it a bit difficult to deal with without my dad to assist with the technical side of things like making dupes of the disks and fielding technical questions, and both these games have been out for long enough that I don't think they're exactly going to make me rich. So I have decided to release them as freeware - download, help yourselves, and enjoy. :-)

 (If anyone still feels like contributing anything, just send a nice note to my mum or something!).

Ms. Pac-Man ROM hack for MAME

Here's a little hack that modifies Ms. Pac-Man in MAME.  Download this, and unzip the contents into your Ms. Pac-Man directory (you need to have the original ROM images already there, naturally).  It turns Ms. Pac-Man into a little llama, the ghosts into menacing sheep with differently-coloured fleeces, and the bonus objects into a selection of hoofed mammals.

Beasty Pac YaK hack

 Llamasoft Game Images for Emulators [PVB says: "You can get these games from here instead]

Play your favourite Llamasoft classics on your emulator of choice. These games may be freely distributed, as long as it's not for profit. Share and Enjoy!

 Wallpaper of the Week

 Here's what's beneath the Yakly icons and windows at the moment. It's usually quite psychedelic, so if you are into that kinda thang, why not look at the images, and save 'em off to use for wallpaper if you like 'em. You'll need 24-bit colour for them to actually look nice. I usually display them with the w95 Plus Pack option of "scale to fit entire screen" enabled. You'll need to convert the .jpg to .bmp to use it as wallpaper in w95, but hey, we all got graphics editors, so that's OK :-)

Non-YaKly Downloads


 A number of people have been on at me to put up a link to this for ages. It's an excellent piece of 'ware which is, basically, a lot like a VLM for the PC. You play a CD on your CD-ROM player, and it generates trippy graphics on the screen. Whilst it's not as extensive as VLM in the range of effects, it's still bloody nice.

 While you're at the Cthugha site, follow their Related Links link, and you'll find various other trip toys to download. My fave of the others is ZoneRings, which is a nice pattern generator for win95 with a control panel that lets you tweak all the parameters. Hint - set it up for "draw vertices only" for some very cool particle displays!

 Homesite is the HTML editor I am using to maintain my site now. I downloaded it at the recommendation of my mate Tal, and I have to say it's a really cool website editor. It's so good that I think I'm gonna have to pay for it :-)

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